
January 05, 2009

"The Third Pig" On Reuters, Yahoo Finance and Others

The Third Pig

Articles that appear on The Third Pig occasionally appear on the Seeking Alpha website and are regularly picked up by the general financial media outlets including Yahoo Finance, Reuters and other financial blogs. I have listed some of the latest entries and other locations they can be found:

Asset Allocation in 2009: Best to Go with the Devil You Know at:
Yahoo Finance: and

Coach: Luxury on the Cheap at:
Guru Focus:,42620

Five Things to Be Thankful for in This Market at:
Yahoo Finance:

GM Bailout Would Be Agony For Taxpayers at:
Yahoo Finance: 

Obamanomics and the Stock Market at:
Stock Shoot: 

Buffett and Cramer Agree: It’s Time to Buy Stocks at:
AOL Finance in the Headlines area: 

Greed, When Others Are Fearful, Is Good at:
Wall Street Oasis:

If you would like to share some of the above articles with your friends, family or associates just click any one of the icons below for the various websites including ShareThis, and Facebook. Here is to a wonderful 2009 in the market.

Disclosure: none

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December 12, 2008

The Auto Bailout and Mental Accounting

Source: Flickr by Cobalt at
Source: Flickr by Cobalt

Last night the $14 billion bailout for the auto industry failed in the Senate primarily because the United Auto Workers union refused to accept a pay cut for its members. This likely spells big trouble for the Big 3 as collectively they are asking for funds in excess of $30 billion. General Motors (GM) alone, which employs a quarter of one million workers, needs $8 billion over the next two months to stay afloat according to its CEO Rick Wagoner.

Supporters of the bailout are now looking to the White House and the Treasury to step in. To date the Bush administration has resisted dipping into the remaining balance of the $700 billion TARP earmarked for the banking industry to help the Big 3. The Bush administration’s position in this regard is well understood. It wants to reserve the remaining TARP funds for the banking industry “just in case”. But there is also no denying reluctance to use the TARP funds to assist the auto industry is really grand scale mental accounting.

Mental accounting, as studied by Richard H. Thaler, is the way we attribute a monetary value or utility to an economic transaction, situation or expectation. It tends to separate those values in different accounts according to their origins and purposes. Mental accounting can also be seen as the failure to see the entire financial picture and how one decision affects another. To understand this concept on a personal level it is best to consider a couple of examples.

  • A divorced mother holds a grudge against her ex-husband and father to her children on whom she depends for child support. In an effort to exact revenge against the ex, the mother makes crank calls to the father’s place of employment causing him to loose his job. This in effect decreases the mother’s income in the form of child support. The mother failed to connect that her income was dependent upon his. In her mind they were separate.
  • A consultant on a temporary project wants a file cabinet to store just a few papers. The local office supply store has small, medium and large size cabinets which cost $200, $250 and $300 respectively. Being analytically minded the consultant buys the largest cabinet as he calculated it would allow him to get the most space per cubic inch for his money. However, he failed to consider he had only enough files to fill half of the smallest cabinet. In essence, he wasted $100 dollars. When something sells for below the mental price we have assigned it, the deal takes precedence over the actual utility of the item.

Whether the government uses the TARP money, some other funds or does nothing at all, we as Americans will collectively “pay” for the automakers woes. Perhaps it will be in funds going directly to the companies. Or perhaps it will be in increasing the welfare and unemployment rolls. It may come in increasing bankruptcies and foreclosures among former workers of the industry. At this point, we, Americans, the government, cannot avoid expending these dollars either directly or indirectly.

In the interest of full disclosure, I wrote an earlier post suggesting giving money to the automakers amounted to a very bad investment decision. I stick by that position. In 2007, GM lost $38 billion in 2007 and Ford (F) lost $2.7 billion. However, in no way was I suggesting nothing be done. As an investor, I am against the bailout. As an American, I can see the government giving the Big 3 the billions they are asking for – I will just close my eyes and hold my nose when and if they do.

Disclosure: I do not, nor do the clients of Brick Financial Management, LLC, own any securities mentioned in this article. But positions may change at any time.

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November 14, 2008

A GM Bailout Would Be Agony For Investors


Talk in the marketplace, Detroit and Washington has been percolating about giving General Motors (GM) and the auto industry in general a bailout ala the TARP for the banking industry. GM is on the verge of running out of money. Cash received from auto sales, down dramatically from last year, will not cover the cost of running its business. GM has a monthly cash burn rate of $2 billion or more per month and only $16 billion in cash left on its latest quarterly balance some of which needs to be held in reserve.

GM blames the current economic environment on their woes. Year-over-year sales at month end October saw a 45% decrease, worse than almost all of their competitors. Toyota (TM) for instance, which will soon overtake GM’s market share in the space, saw sales decline a significant but less severe 23% over the same period. But GM’s execs are not being genuine. GM has never been a great business.

Warren Buffett in a 1991 gave a speech to Notre Dame students and faculty. In it he compared two businesses - Company Agony and Company Ecstacy. Company Agony lost its investors more money than virtually any business in the world while the other, Company Ecstasy did nothing but make money.

The difference in the two businesses was Company Agony, which in Buffett’s story was American Telephone and Telegraph had all kinds of employee benefit programs, stock options, pensions, the works. The business operated under heavy regulation, was heavily unionized and extremely capital-intensive. In fact, shareholders had to continually reinvest in the company simply to keep it going.

Company Ecstasy on the other hand, Thompson Newspapers, didn’t have elaborate compensation programs and never needed to reinvest in the company. They simply wrote a story and produced it by putting ink to paper. Thompson was able to raise prices which raised earnings and there was nothing to do with the money except to return it to shareholders or purchase more profitable businesses.

In advising his audience about which kind of businesses to work for, an Ecstacy non-capital intensive business or an Agony capital-intensive business, Buffett said,

“One is a marvelous, absolutely sensational business, the other one is a terrible business. If you have a choice between going to work for a wonderful business (Ecstasy) that is not capital intensive, and one that is capital intensive (Agony), I suggest that you look at the one that is not capital intensive.”

The same can be said for investing in capital intensive businesses. Investment in a capital intensive, Agony business like GM where market share [chart below] is eroding which began well before an economic recession, labor costs are the highest in the industry at $73 per hour [$30 higher per hour than Toyota’s], the workforce is heavily unionized and it makes products consumers don’t want (i.e. gas-guzzling SUVs), doesn’t seem like a smart move to me.

Click for larger image 

The government is our investment manager now. It must make prudent investments and should make sure we see some return. GM has not returned any money to investors for years and years. In fact, an investment in a simple index fund like the Vanguard S&P 500 Index Fund (VFINX) would have been a much better investment over the long haul. [See chart below].

Click for larger image 

If an investment in GM never made money in the past, what would be different now? I venture to say, nothing.

Disclosure: none


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