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Traders Bet on Google to Buy Expedia

ExpediaTraders sent shares of Expedia (EXPE) up by about 15% over the last couple of days amid rumors that Google (GOOG) would be interested in purchasing the internet travel company. Certainly Google has the muscle to do it. But the company has not been agressive in acquiring e-commerce companies. Thus an acquisition of the travel company would represent a, albeit slight, departure from Google's current expansion modus operandi.

I find it interesting however that the companies did not outright deny they were in talks. A WSJ article (subscription needed) confirms the companies' reluctance to address the issue. Their respective silence seems slightly conspicuous to me. Definitely something to keep an eye on.

Disclosure: I and the clients of Brick Financial Management, LLC owned shares of Google at the time of this writing and do not currently but have owned shares of Expedia.

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