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Shack Up, Stack Chips, Get Rich

U. S. Trust Inc conducted surveys of wealthy households. The survey respondents that indicated that only one spouse or partner worked, were not always a single income home, but did not have proof of income documents. Over 93% of households who eventually reached millionaire status had two-income earners, (either married or co-habitating) both contributing to household expenses and investments, prior to becoming wealthy paystub generator for employee payments. It wasn’t until they reached wealthy status, which usually takes over 20 years and isn’t attained to 57 years old or more, that one party left the workforce. In other words, the idea of the single breadwinner millionaire household is largely a myth. It is difficult to become wealthy on one income even if that income is substantial. | #millionaire #invest #marriage #wealthy #family #budget #savings #cohabitating

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Shack Up, Stack Chips, Get Rich

in Benjamin Graham Brick Wealth Ratio Frugality How To Make A Million Investing Savings

U. S. Trust Inc conducted surveys of wealthy households. The survey respondents that indicated that only one spouse or partner worked, were not always a single income home, but did not have proof of income documents. Over 93% of households who eventually reached millionaire status had two-income earners, (either married or co-habitating) both contributing to household […] Read More

Will Disney Buy Netflix

in Apple Netflix

As of this writing Netflix (NFLX) is up over 32% from its 52-week low of $79.95. In the last two days the stock is up over 9% largely do to rumors either Disney or Apple are interested in acquiring the streaming service. In the video below, I give my take on whether I think Disney […] Read More

The Stock Market Always Goes Up… Eventually

in Asset Allocation Bear Markets

Portfolio and Market Just a few closing thoughts for this week in a post-Brexit world. The S&P 500 was down -3.59% for the day. Its largest one-day percentage decline since Aug 24, 2015. This leaves the S&P 500, considering the reinvestment of dividends, flat for the year. Although no one really knows exactly how the […] Read More

Donnie Needs A Geography (Or Economics) Lesson

in Economy Politics

Politics Donald Trump seems to think Scotland voted to leave the European Union. Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 24, 2016 Um, not so much. Source: The Telegraph EU referendum results […] Read More

What Brexit Means To Your Portfolio

in Asset Allocation Bear Markets Behavioral Finance Economy Fear

Portfolio Here is the quick and dirty on the UK's exit from the European Union and what it means to American investors: The markets will be volatile. This morning the VIX, which measures the volitility is S$P 500 futures, is at 4 month highs according to the CBOE. Generally when the VIX is above levels […] Read More

Buffett On Donnie

in Berkshire Hathaway Economy Frugality Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett nailed why Donald Trump's businesses failed in a lecture 25 years ago Speaking to Notre Dame students in 1991, Warren Buffett warned about Donald Trump's excessive use of leverage. Yahoo Finance By Julia La Roche Warren Buffett: I might consider taking money out of banks if they charge for deposits. Lacy O’ Toole […] Read More

Buffett’s Hedge Fund Bet

in Berkshire Hathaway Jack Bogle Warren Buffett

Portfolio Eight years ago, Warren Buffett made a famous bet with hedge fund manager Protege Partners. The bet is simple (view it at Long Bets website): "Over a ten-year period commencing on January 1, 2008, and ending on December 31, 2017, the S&P 500 will outperform a portfolio of funds of hedge funds, when performance […] Read More

Chipotle Q1 2016 Earnings Call

in Chipotle

Portfolio Chipotle: Same-store sales dropped 29.7 pct for first quarter Chipotle Mexican Grill Posts First-Ever Quarterly Loss […] Read More

How The Economy Works by Ray Dalio

in All-Stars Behavioral Finance Benjamin Graham Efficient Markets Ray Dalio The Market

https://youtu.be/PHe0bXAIuk0 Ray Dalio, Wikipedia Ray Dalio's, Principles Forbes: Hedge Fund King Ray Dalio's All Weather Fund Down 7% In 2015 […] Read More

TBT: Inside the Budget of a Millionaire

in How To Make A Million Money & Mind

Did you know that for every 100 millionaires who don't "budget", there are about 120 that do. More than half of the nonbudgeters invest first and spend the balance of their income. Many call this the "pay yourself first" strategy. These people invest a minimum of 15 percent of their annual realized income before they […] Read More